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Meet Our Team

Certified AKC Safety and CPR Trained Groomers on Staff

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Shane Marshall

Owner ,Certified Professional Groomer, Registered Veterinary Technician

I attended the Animal Arts Academy in 2000 and became a Certified Professional Groomer. I received my Bachelor of Science from Purdue University in 1992.  In 2013, I earned an Associate Degree in Veterinary Technology from Harrison College where I graduated with honors.  I am a Registered Veterinary Technician in the State of Indiana.  I am a AKC Safety Certified Groomer. I beieve in providing personalized service for our customers in order to address each pets’ individual needs.

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David Marshall

Business Manager

David loves being around animals and is the proud owner of 5 dogs and 2 cats. He has a master’s degree in Business Administration. In his spare time, he likes spending time with his wife and is a huge sports fanatic.

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Alexis Hux

Professional Groomer

Alexis Hux has been with us since 2018.  She is an AKC S.A.F.E certified groomer as well as CPR and First Aid certified. When she’s not at work caring for your beloved pets, she’s at home caring for her own dog, Cleo. Alexis has been a 10 year 4-H member with her horses, goats, chickens, and rabbits. Her hobbies include kayaking, painting, and binge-watching Netflix with her dog.


Laynie Mahurin

Professional Groomer

Laynie has been with us since 2016. She loves her job and strongly believes in continuing her education as a groomer. She attends grooming conferences yearly. She is a AKC Safety Certified groomer as well as a Feline Safety Certified groomer and she is First Aid and CPR certified.

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